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Alice in Wonderland - The tattoo edition

alice in wonderland tattood - www.tattooforaweek.com

Litographs is an American company, which gives book lovers all over the world a chance to demonstrate their love for their favourite book. They noticed that lots of people wear T-shirts or hang up posters of their favourite rock bands or actors, so why not do the same with books? Their literary designs are always based on a quote or image from a popular book. Then they print the design onto posters, T-shirts and cloth bags or totes. You can choose from various masterpieces: Pride and Prejudice, Peter Pan, Hamlet, The Great Gatsby, Frankenstein etc

peter pan tote - www.tattooforaweek.com

Peter Pan bag

sherlock holmes t-shirt - www.tattooforaweek.com

Sherlock Holmes T-shirt

But that’s not all. Last year, the people at Litographs came up with the brilliant idea to convert the book quotes into temporary tattoos. They were an instant hit. Orders came in from all over the world. People also asked for tattoos of books that were not yet in the collection. This caused the collection to gradually expand. The tattoos not only refer to world-renowned books, but they also look amazing! Which tattoo is your favorite?

peter pan tattoo - www.tattooforaweek.com‘Second star to the right and straight on ’til morning’ – Peter Pan

hamlet tattoo - www.tattooforaweek.com‘Brevity is the soul of wit’ – Hamlet

the great gatsby tattoo - www.tattooforaweek.com‘So we beat on, boats against the current’ – The Great Gatsby

frankenstein tattoo - www.tattooforaweek.com‘Learn from my miseries’ – Frankenstein

pride and prejudice tattoo - www.tattooforaweek.com'I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading’ – Pride and Prejudice

They decided they wanted to do more with all that success. Wouldn’t it be great to somehow bring all these kindred spirits together, via a world-renowned story? After a lot of brainstorming, they picked ‘Alice in Wonderland’, by Lewis Carroll, for this. They brought in Kickstarter, a website that makes it possible to finance creating projects via crowdfunding and at the same time create an online community around the project.

The concept was simple: for as little as one dollar, people all over the world could order a temporary tattoo that showed one line from the story. For the creation of the actual tattoo they called in the help of a Hollywood special effects studio, which makes the tattoos look totally real. They asked everyone who ordered a tattoo to take a picture of it and send it to Litographs. This way they could create a tattoo chain of as many as 2500 tattoos, which, together, told the entire story of Alice in Wonderland. What a cool way to read this classic!

Alice in Wonderland tattoo 4 - www.tattooforaweek.com

Alice in wonderland tattoo 3 - www.tattooforaweek.com

Alice in wonderland tattoo 2 - www.tattooforaweek.com

alice in wonderland tattoo - www.tattooforaweek.com

The tattoos are all gone now and the photos are coming in one by one. You can take a look at the chain here.

Would you like to participate in a tattoo chain? Now you can! Because it has been so incredibly successful, they started a second tattoo chain around the sequel to Alice In Wonderland, ‘Through the Looking-Glass’. You can order from a selection of 2500 tattoos via Kickstarter. For one dollar you will receive a random tattoo. For three dollars you can pick a tattoo from Litographs’ entire collection.

Other books?

Of course, Litographs is not the only place where you can find literary tattoos. You can also find tattoos that refer to books at TattooForAWeek. Look at these Harry Potter tattoos here.Or, if you are a hardcore book lover, you might want to go for a real tattoo right away! In that case, let these tattoos inspire you:

alice in wonderland tattoo real - www.tattoforaweek.comAlice In Wonderland

a clockwork orange tattoo - www.tattooforaweek.com

A clockwork orange

the little prince tattoo - www.tattooforaweek.comThe little prince

peter pan tattoo real - www.tattooforaweek.com

Peter Pan

harry poetter tattoo - www.tattooforaweek.com

Harry Potter

No matter what you choose, it is clear that these litterary attoos do not have to play second fiddle to, for example, rock band or movie tattoos. They are also often more mysterious than tattoos with song lyrics, which the general public are often familiar with. When you have a literary tattoo, people will often ask you what the tattoo means or where the quote is from. It’s always fun to get to talk about your favourite book!

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