Tatuaggi Personalizzati

Per ordinare clicca qui!

Trasforma qualsiasi logo o disegno in un tatuaggio temporaneo personalizzato!

tatuaggi temporanei personalizzati sono un modo efficace, economico e unico per far sì che la tua azienda o il tuo evento siano notati!

1 product

Tatuaggi temporanei personalizzati finiti di recente. Attenzione, c'è un copyright su questi tatuaggi!

Wit-gele KruisOtis

Ordering custom temporary tattoos has never been more easy!

1. Select your custom temporary tattoo size.

2. Select your custom temporary tattoo quantity.

3. Upload the artwork for your custom tattoo.

4. Select your preferred white ink option.

5. Select your tattoo back or upload a custom back for your tattoo.

To order click here!

Frequently Asked Questions on custom temporary tattoos : 

Can I get a sample of my custom tattoos in advance?

How are my custom temporary tattoos packed?

How many colors can be use for custom temporary tattoos?

How much do custom temporary tattoos cost?

What artwork formats do you accept for custom temporary tattoos?

What is the delivery time for custom temporary tattoos?

What is the minimum / maximum custom temporary tattoo quantity?

What sizes are available for custom temporary tattoos?

What will be the size of my (custom) tattoo?