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Infographic – What You Should Know Before You Get A Tattoo

What you should know before you get a tattoo

We bet that every one of you has thought of getting a tattoo at least once in your lifetime, and that’s because we know how tempting and fun they can be! Either it was when you were a child and those bubble gums which mother was bringing when she was coming back from work always had really cool tattoo surprises, or in your teenage period when everyone around was doing it to show how cool they were, or as a grown up, to symbolize something important to you – you must have thought about getting a tattoo!

That’s why you have to make the difference between temporary and permanent tattoos and know everything about the risks they involve. We created a special info graphic for you, simple and instructive, with all the info you need about both categories of tattoos, so that you can understand exactly what it means to get a tattoo.

Regarding permanent tattoos, there are many things you should be aware of before you decide to get one, and they are all covered in this info graphic: procedure, inks, health risks and prevention measures. This way you will learn exactly what happens to your body when you get a permanent tattoo and you can decide if you want it or not.

You will also find information about temporary tattoos: what they are made of, how they are applied, where you can find them and also the advantages of temporary tattoos over permanent tattoos.

Having these in mind, take a look at our info graphic, read carefully each section and think about the type of tattoo you would like to get. Best of luck!

Infographic: What you should know before you get a tattoo

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